VIDA Jiu Jistsu - Guns & Gis Immersion Camp 2022

Guns & Gis Immersion Camp is Changing Lives
When Professors Greg Anderson, Greg Lapin and Joao Assis developed the Guns & Gis program, their main goal was to build a tribe of like-minded individuals from all over the U.S. who want to better themselves. Class 005 just wrapped up and the program has gotten more and more inspiring with each installation. Guns & Gis is a 3-day tactical firearms and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu immersion experience, the only one of its kind. Three fast-paced, action-packed days of learning defensive carry and pistol gun fighting from the most experienced military and law enforcement instructors as well as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from some of the best in the world. The cadre is comprised of men that have dedicated their lives to being the best at what they do and passing that on to others. By the end of three days, students have a solid grasp of the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) for carrying and utilizing a pistol in a defensive encounter as well as going hands-on and using their body with the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu self defense techniques.
The three days are not a walk in the park. The camp is modeled after certain special operations selection courses with minimal breaks, a lot of hard work, and a lot of learning. Students and instructors all enjoy a catered dinner on the Friday and Saturday evenings with roundtable discussions that are always the highlight of camp with everyone sharing meaningful stories of how Jiu-Jitsu came to be a part of their lives, how previous experiences have driven them to want to learn these new skills, and leadership talks from the cadre on warrior mindset and leadership. Meaningful bonds have been forged at camp and alumni all keep in touch and push each other to continue building new skills, to continue training, and creating fitness challenges they can virtually participate in together. Zero experience is required. Brand new shooters and folks who have never stepped on the mats have attended—women, men, all ages, all belt levels, all walks of life are welcome.
Class 006 taking place November 4–6, 2022 is open for registration and already over 50% full. More information and registration details can be found at: